• Room
  • Apartment
  • House
  • Shared accommodation
  • Holiday property
  • Exchange property

5 vacant properties in Daugård

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3 room apartment on 75 m2

Apartment in Hedensted

How much is a property in Daugård?

A property in Daugård costs an average of 8,943 kr./md. Apartments is between 7,389 kr./md. og 10,495 kr./md. while rooms and houses is between 2,878 kr./md. og 2,878 kr./md.

How many properties for rent in Daugård right now?

Right now you will find 5 properties in Daugård. Slightly wider you will find 1,377 properties for rent in the area Vejle

How many apartments, houses and rooms are for rent in Daugård?

Lejebolig.dk currently has 5 apartments, 0 houses and 0 rooms for rent in Daugård. You can also search all properties for rent in Daugård

How do i find a property for rent in Daugård quickly?

Search broadly, for example 3-rooms apartments, 4-rooms apartments, 3-rooms houses, 5-rooms houses, rooms, exchange property or holiday property. If you search for a low rent, then don't go to low, to be able to find the most properties possible.